MCMC Tutorial

This tutorial describes the available options when running an MCMC with MC3. As said before, the MCMC can be run from the shell prompt or through a function call in the Python interpreter.

Argument Inputs

When running from the shell, the arguments can be input as command-line arguments. To see all the available options, run:

./ --help

When running from a Python interactive session, the arguments can be input as function arguments. To see the available options, run:

import MCcubed as mc3

Additionally (and strongly recommended), whether you are running the MCMC from the shell or from the interpreter, the arguments can be input through a configuration file.

Configuration Files

The MC3 configuration file follows the ConfigParser format. The following code block shows an example for an MC3 configuration file:

# Comment lines (like this one) are allowed and ignored
# Strings don't need quotation marks
# DEMC general options:
nsamples  = 1e5
burnin    = 1000
nchains   = 7
walk      = snooker
# Fitting function:
func      = quad quadratic ../MCcubed/examples/models
# Model inputs:
params    = params.dat
indparams = indp.npz
# The data and uncertainties:
data      = data.npz


This example describes the basic MCMC argument configuration. The following sub-sections make up a script meant to be run from the Python interpreter. The complete example script is located at tutorial01.

Input Data

The data argument (required) defines the dataset to be fitted. This argument can be either a 1D float ndarray or the filename (a string) where the data array is located.

The uncert argument (required) defines the \(1\sigma\) uncertainties of the data array. This argument can be either a 1D float ndarray (same length of data) or the filename where the data uncertainties are located.

# Create a synthetic dataset using a quadratic polynomial curve:
import sys
import numpy as np
from quadratic import quad

x  = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)         # Independent model variable
p0 = [3, -2.4, 0.5]                   # True-underlying model parameters
y  = quad(p0, x)                      # Noiseless model
uncert = np.sqrt(np.abs(y))           # Data points uncertainty
error  = np.random.normal(0, uncert)  # Noise for the data
data   = y + error                    # Noisy data set


See the Data Section below to find out how to set data and uncert as a filename.

Modeling Function

The func argument (required) defines the parameterized modeling function. The user can set func either as a callable, e.g.:

# Define the modeling function as a callable:
from quadratic import quad
func = quad

or as a tuple of strings pointing to the modeling function, e.g.:

# A three-elements tuple indicates the function name, the module
# name (without the '.py' extension), and the path to the module.
func = ("quad", "quadratic", "../MCcubed/examples/models/")

# Alternatively, if the module is already within the scope of the
# Python path, the user can set func with a two-elements tuple:
func = ("quad", "quadratic")



The only requirement for the modeling function is that its arguments follow the same structure of the callable in scipy.optimize.leastsq, i.e., the first argument contains the list of fitting parameters.

The indparams argument (optional) packs any additional argument that the modeling function may require:

# indparams contains additional arguments of func (if necessary). Each
# additional argument is an item in the indparams tuple:
indparams = [x]


Even if there is only one additional argument to func, indparams must be defined as a tuple (as in the example above). Eventually, the modeling function could be called with the following command:

model = func(params, *indparams)

Fitting Parameters

The params argument (required) contains the initial-guess values for the model fitting parameters. The params argument must be a 1D float ndarray.

# Array of initial-guess values of fitting parameters:
params   = np.array([ 10.0,  -2.0,   0.1])

The pmin and pmax arguments (optional) set the lower and upper boundaries explored by the MCMC for each fitting parameter.

# Lower and upper boundaries for the MCMC exploration:
pmin     = np.array([-10.0, -20.0, -10.0])
pmax     = np.array([ 40.0,  20.0,  10.0])

If a proposed step falls outside the set boundaries, that iteration is automatically rejected. The default values for each element of pmin and pmax are -np.inf and +np.inf, respectively. The pmin and pmax arrays must have the same size of params.

Stepsize, Fixed, and Shared Parameters

The stepsize argument (required) is a 1D float ndarray, where each element correspond to one of the fitting parameters.

stepsize = np.array([  1.0,   0.5,   0.1])

The stepsize has a dual purpose: (1) detemines the free, fixed, and shared parameters; and (2) determines the step size of proposal jumps.

To fix a parameter at the given initial-guess value, set the stepsize of the given parameter to \(0\). To share the same value for multiple parameters along the MCMC exploration, set the stepsize of the parameter equal to the negative index of the sharing parameter, e.g.:

# If I want the second, third, and fourth model parameters to share the same value:
stepsize = np.array([1.0, 3.0, -2, -2])


Clearly, in the current example it doesn’t make sense to share parameter values. However, for an eclipe model for example, one may want to share the ingress and egress times.

Additionally, when walk='mrw' (see Random Walk section), stepsize sets the standard deviation, \(\sigma\), of the Gaussian proposal jump for the given parameter (see Eq. (3)).

Lastly, stepsize sets the standard deviation of the initial sampling for the chains (see MCMC Config section).

Parameter Priors

The prior, priorlow, and priorup arguments (optional) set the prior probability distributions of the fitting parameters. Each of these arguments is a 1D float ndarray.

# priorlow defines whether to use uniform non-informative (priorlow = 0.0),
# Jeffreys non-informative (priorlow < 0.0), or Gaussian prior (priorlow > 0.0).
# prior and priorup are irrelevant if priorlow <= 0 (for a given parameter)
prior    = np.array([ 0.0,  0.0,   0.0])
priorlow = np.array([ 0.0,  0.0,   0.0])
priorup  = np.array([ 0.0,  0.0,   0.0])

MC3 supports three types of priors. If a value of priorlow is \(0.0\) (default) for a given parameter, the MCMC will apply a uniform non-informative prior:

\[p(\theta) = \frac{1}{\theta_{\rm max} - \theta_{\rm min}},\]


This is appropriate when there is no prior knowledge of the value of \(\theta\).

If priorlow is less than \(0.0\) for a given parameter, the MCMC will apply a Jeffreys non-informative prior (uniform probability per order of magnitude):

(1)\[p(\theta) = \frac{1}{\theta \ln(\theta_{\rm max}/\theta_{\rm min})},\]


This is valid only when the parameter takes positive values. This is a more appropriate prior than a uniform prior when \(\theta\) can take values over several orders of magnitude. For more information, see [Gregory2005], Sec. 3.7.1.


Practical note!

In practice, I have seen better results when one fits \(\log(\theta)\) rather than \(\theta\) with a Jeffreys prior.

Lastly, if priorlow is greater than \(0.0\) for a given parameter, the MCMC will apply a Gaussian informative prior:

\[p(\theta) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma_{p}^{2}}} \exp\left(\frac{-(\theta-\theta_{p})^{2}}{2\sigma_{p}^{2}}\right),\]

where prior sets the prior value \(\theta_{p}\), and priorlow and priorup set the lower and upper \(1\sigma\) prior uncertainties, \(\sigma_{p}\), of the prior (depending if the proposed value \(\theta\) is lower or higher than \(\theta_{p}\)).


Note that, even when the parameter boundaries are not known or when the parameter is unbound, this prior is suitable for use in the MCMC sampling, since the proposed and current state priors divide out in the Metropolis ratio.

Parameter Names

The pnames argument (optional) define the names of the model parametes to be shown in the scren output and figure labels. In figures, the names can use LaTeX syntax. The screen output will display up to 11 characters. Thus, the user can define the texnames argument (optional), display the appropriate syntax for screen output and figures, for example:

pnames   = ["log(alpha)", "beta", "Teff"]
texnames = [r"$\log(\alpha)$", r"$\beta$", r"$T_{\rm eff}$"]

If texnames is None, it defaults to pnames. If pnames is None, it defaults to texnames. If both arguments are None, they default to a generic [Param 1, Param 2, ...] list.

Random Walk

The walk argument (optional) defines which random-walk algorithm for the MCMC:

# Choose between: 'snooker', 'demc', or 'mrw':
walk = 'snooker'

The standard Differential-Evolution MCMC algorithm (walk = 'demc', [terBraak2006]) proposes for each chain \(i\) in state \(\mathbf{x}_{i}\):

(2)\[\mathbf{x}^* = \mathbf{x}_i + \gamma (\mathbf{x}_{R1}-\mathbf{x}_{R2}) + \mathbf{e},\]

where \(\mathbf{x}_{R1}\) and \(\mathbf{x}_{R2}\) are randomly selected without replacement from the population of current states without \(\mathbf{x}_{i}\). This implementation adopts \(\gamma=f_{\gamma} 2.38/\sqrt{2 N_{\rm free}}\), and \(\mathbf{e}\sim N(0, f_{e}\,{\rm stepsize})\), with \(N_{\rm free}\) the number of free parameters. The scaling factors are defaulted to \(f_{\gamma}=1.0\) and \(f_{e}=0.0\) (see Fine-tuning).

If walk = 'snooker' (default, recommended), MC3 will use the DEMC-z algorithm with snooker propsals (see [BraakVrugt2008]).

If walk = 'mrw', MC3 will use the classical Metropolis-Hastings algorithm with Gaussian proposal distributions. I.e., in each iteration and for each parameter, \(\theta\), the MCMC will propose jumps, drawn from Gaussian distributions centered at the current value, \(\theta_0\), with a standard deviation, \(\sigma\), given by the values in the stepsize argument:

(3)\[q(\theta) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi \sigma^2}} \exp \left( -\frac{(\theta-\theta_0)^2}{2 \sigma^2}\right)\]


For walk=snooker, an MCMC works well from 3 chains. For walk=demc, [terBraak2006] suggest using \(2*d\) chains, with \(d\) the number of free parameters.

I recommend any of the snooker or demc algorithms, as they are more efficient than most others MCMC random walks. From experience, when deciding between these two, consider that when the initial guess lays far from the lowest chi-square region, snooker seems to produce lower acceptance rates than ideal (which is solvable setting leastsq=True). On the other hand, demc is limited to a high number of chains when there is a high number of free parameters.

MCMC Config

The following arguments set the MCMC chains configuration:

nsamples =  1e5     # Number of MCMC samples to compute
nchains  =    7     # Number of parallel chains
nproc    =    7     # Number of CPUs to use for chains (default: nchains)
burnin   = 1000     # Number of burned-in samples per chain
thinning =    1     # Thinning factor for outputs

# Distribution for the initial samples:
kickoff = 'normal'  # Choose between: 'normal' or  'uniform'
hsize = 10          # Number of initial samples per chain

The nsamples argument (optional, float, default=1e5) sets the total number of samples to compute. The approximate number of iterations run for each chain will be nsamples/nchains.

The nchains argument (optional, integer, default=7) sets the number of parallel chains to use. The number of iterations run for each chain will be approximately nsamples/nchains.

MC3 runs in multiple processors through the mutiprocessing package. The nproc argument (optional, integer, default= nchains) sets the number CPUs to use for the chains. Additionaly, the central MCMC hub will use one extra CPU. Thus, the total number of CPUs used is nchains + 1.


If nproc+1 is greater than the number of available CPUs in the machine (nCPU), MC3 will set nproc = nCPU-1. To keep a good balance, I recommend setting nchains equal to a multiple of nproc.

The burnin argument (optional, integer, default=0) sets the number of burned-in (removed) iterations at the beginning of each chain.

The thinning argument (optional, integer, default=1) sets the chains thinning factor (discarding all but every thinning-th sample). To reduce the memory usage, when requested, only the thinned samples are stored (and returned).


Thinning is often unnecessary for a DE run, since this algorithm reduces significatively the sampling autocorrelation.

To set the starting point of the MCMC chains, MC3 draws samples either from a normal (default) or uniform distribution (determined by the kickoff argument). The mean and standard deviation of the normal distribution are set by the params and stepsize arguments, respectively. The uniform distribution is constrained between the pmin and pmax boundaries. The hsize argument determines the size of the starting sample. All draws from the initial sample are discarded from the returned posterior distribution.


The leastsq argument (optional, boolean, default=False) is a flag that indicates MC3 to run a least-squares optimization before running the MCMC. MC3 implements the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (lm=True) via scipy.optimize.leastsq or Trust Region Reflective (lm=False) via scipy.optimize.least_squares.


The parameter boundaries (for TRF only, see Optimization Tutorial), fixed and shared-values, and priors will apply for the minimization.

The chisqscale argument (optional, boolean, default=False) is a flag that indicates MC3 to scale the data uncertainties to force a reduced \(\chi^{2}\) equal to \(1.0\). The scaling applies by multiplying all uncertainties by a common scale factor.

leastsq    = True   # Least-squares minimization prior to the MCMC
lm         = True   # Choose Levenberg-Marquardt (True) or TRF algorithm (False)
chisqscale = False  # Scale the data uncertainties such that red. chisq = 1


The grtest argument (optional, boolean, default=False) is a flag that indicates MC3 to run the Gelman-Rubin convergence test for the MCMC sample of fitting parameters. Values larger than 1.01 are indicative of non-convergence. See [GelmanRubin1992] for further information.

Additionally, the grbreak argument (optional, boolean, default=0.0) sets a convergence threshold to stop an MCMC when GR drops below grbreak. Reasonable values seem to be grbreak ~1.001–1.005. The default behavior is not to break (grbreak=0.0).

Lastly, the grnmin argument (optional, integer or float, default=0.5) sets a minimum number of valid samples (after burning and thinning) required for grbreak. If grnmin is an integer, require at least grnmin samples to break out of the MCMC. If grnmin is a float (in the range 0.0–1.0), require at least grnmin times the maximum possible number of valid samples to break out of the MCMC.

grtest  = True   # Calculate the GR convergence test
grbreak = 0.0    # GR threshold to stop the MCMC run
grnmin  = 0.5    # Minimum fraction or number of samples before grbreak


The Gelman-Rubin test is computed every 10% of the MCMC exploration.

Wavelet-Likelihood MCMC

The wlike argument (optional, boolean, default=False) allows MC3 to implement the Wavelet-based method to estimate time-correlated noise. When using this method, the used must append the three additional fitting parameters (\(\gamma, \sigma_{r}, \sigma_{w}\)) from Carter & Winn (2009) to the end of the params array. Likewise, add the correspoding values to the pmin, pmax, stepsize, prior, priorlow, and priorup arrays. For further information see [CarterWinn2009].

wlike = False  # Use Carter & Winn's Wavelet-likelihood method.


The \(f_{\gamma}\) and \(f_{e}\) factors scale the DEMC proposal distributions.

fgamma   = 1.0  # Scale factor for DEMC's gamma jump.
fepsilon = 0.0  # Jump scale factor for DEMC's "e" distribution

The default \(f_{\gamma}=1.0\) value is set such that the MCMC acceptance rate approaches 25-40%. Therefore, most of the time, the user won’t need to modify this. Only if the acceptance rate is very low, we recommend to set \(f_{\gamma}<1.0\). The \(f_{e}\) factor sets the jump scale for the \(\mathbf e\) distribution, which has to have a small variance compared to the posterior. For further information see [terBraak2006].

File Outputs

The following arguments set the output files produced by MC3:

log       = 'MCMC.log'         # Save the MCMC screen outputs to file
savefile  = 'MCMC_sample.npz'  # Save the MCMC parameters sample to file
plots     = True               # Generate best-fit, trace, and posterior plots
rms       = False              # Compute and plot the time-averaging test
full_output = False            # Return the full posterior sample
chireturn = False              # Return chi-square statistics

The log argument (optional, string, default = None) sets the file name where to store MC3’s screen output.

The savefile arguments (optional, string, default = None) set the file names where to store the MCMC outputs into a .npz file, with keywords bestp, CRlo, CRhi, stdp, meanp, Z, Zchain, and Zchisq, bestchisq, redchisq, chifactor, BIC, and standard deviation of the residuals sdr. The files can be read with the numpy.load() function. See Returned Values and the description of chireturn below for details on the output values.

The plots argument (optional, boolean, default = False) is a flag that indicates MC3 to generate and store the data (along with the best-fitting model) plot, the MCMC-chain trace plot for each parameter, and the marginalized and pair-wise posterior plots.

The rms argument (optional, boolean, default = False) is a flag that indicates MC3 to compute the time-averaging test for time-correlated noise and generate a rms-vs-binsize plot (see [Winn2008]).

The full_output argument (optional, bool, default = False) flags the code to return the full posterior sampling array (Z), including the initial and burnin samples. The posterior will still be thinned though.

If the chireturn argument (optional, bool, default = False) is True, MC3 will return an additional tuple containing the chi-square stats: lowest \(\chi^{2}\) (bestchisq), \(\chi^{2}_{\rm red}\) (redchisq), scaling factor to enforce \(\chi^{2}_{\rm red} = 1\) (chifactor), and the Bayesian Information Criterion BIC (BIC).

Returned Values

When run from a pyhton interactive session, MC3 will return a tuple with six elements (seven if chireturn=True, see above):

  • bestp: a 1D array with the best-fitting parameters (including fixed and shared parameters).
  • CRlo: a 1D array with the lower boundary of the marginal 68%-highest posterior density (the credible region) for each parameter, with respect to bestp.
  • CRhi:a 1D array with the upper boundary of the marginal 68%-highest posterior density for each parameter, with respect to bestp.
  • stdp: a 1D array with the standard deviation of the marginal posterior for each parameter (including that of fixed and shared parameters).
  • posterior: a 2D array containing the burned-in, thinned MCMC sample of the parameters posterior distribution (with dimensions [nsamples, nfree], excluding fixed and shared parameters).
  • Zchain: a 1D array with the indices of the chains for each sample in posterior.
# Run the MCMC:
bestp, CRlo, CRhi, stdp, posterior, Zchain = mc3.mcmc(data=data,
    uncert=uncert, func=func, indparams=indparams,
    params=params, pmin=pmin, pmax=pmax, stepsize=stepsize,
    prior=prior, priorlow=priorlow, priorup=priorup,
    walk=walk, nsamples=nsamples,  nchains=nchains,
    nproc=nproc, burnin=burnin, thinning=thinning,
    leastsq=leastsq, lm=lm, chisqscale=chisqscale,
    hsize=hsize, kickoff=kickoff,
    grtest=grtest,  grbreak=grbreak, grnmin=grnmin,
    wlike=wlike, log=log,
    plots=plots, savefile=savefile, rms=rms, full_output=full_output)


Note that bestp, CRlo, CRhi, and stdp include the values for all model parameters, including fixed and shared parameters, whereas posterior includes only the free parameters. Be careful with the dimesions.

Inputs from Files

The data, uncert, indparams, params, pmin, pmax, stepsize, prior, priorlow, and priorup input arrays can be optionally be given as input file. Furthermore, multiple input arguments can be combined into a single file.


The data, uncert, and indparams inputs can be provided as binary numpy .npz files. data and uncert can be stored together into a single file. An indparams input file contain the list of independent variables (must be a list, even if there is a single independent variable).

The utils sub-package of MC3 provide utility functions to save and load these files. The file in demo02 gives an example of how to create data and indparams input files:

# Import the necessary modules:
import sys
import numpy as np

# Import the modules from the MCcubed package:
import MCcubed as mc3
from quadratic import quad

# Create a synthetic dataset using a quadratic polynomial curve:
x  = np.linspace(0.0, 10, 1000)       # Independent model variable
p0 = [3, -2.4, 0.5]                   # True-underlying model parameters
y  = quad(p0, x)                      # Noiseless model
uncert = np.sqrt(np.abs(y))           # Data points uncertainty
error  = np.random.normal(0, uncert)  # Noise for the data
data   = y + error                    # Noisy data set

# data.npz contains the data and uncertainty arrays:
mc3.utils.savebin([data, uncert], 'data.npz')
# indp.npz contains a list of variables:
mc3.utils.savebin([x], 'indp.npz')

Fitting Parameters

The params, pmin, pmax, stepsize, prior, priorlow, and priorup inputs can be provided as plain ASCII files. For simplycity all of these input arguments can be combined into a single file.

In the params file, each line correspond to one model parameter, whereas each column correspond to one of the input array arguments. This input file can hold as few or as many of these argument arrays, as long as they are provided in that exact order. Empty or comment lines are allowed (and ignored by the reader). A valid params file look like this:

#       params            pmin            pmax        stepsize
            10             -10              40             1.0
          -2.0             -20              20             0.5
           0.1             -10              10             0.1

Alternatively, the utils sub-package of MC3 provide utility functions to save and load these files:

params   = [ 10, -2.0,  0.1]
pmin     = [-10,  -20, -10]
pmax     = [ 40,   20,  10]
stepsize = [  1,  0.5,  0.1]

# Store ASCII arrays:
mc3.utils.saveascii([params, pmin, pmax, stepsize], 'params.txt')

Then, to run the MCMC simply provide the input file names to the MC3 routine:

# To run MCMC, set the arguments to the file names:
data      = 'data.npz'
indparams = 'indp.npz'
params    = 'params.txt'
# Run MCMC:
bestp, CRlo, CRhi, stdp, posterior, Zchain = mc3.mcmc(data=data,
    func=func, indparams=indparams, params=params,
    walk=walk, nsamples=nsamples,  nchains=nchains,
    nproc=nproc, burnin=burnin, thinning=thinning,
    leastsq=leastsq, lm=lm, chisqscale=chisqscale,
    hsize=hsize, kickoff=kickoff,
    grtest=grtest, grbreak=grbreak, grnmin=grnmin,
    wlike=wlike, log=log,
    plots=plots, savefile=savefile, rms=rms, full_output=full_output)