Source code for mc3.plots.colors

# Copyright (c) 2015-2023 Patricio Cubillos and contributors.
# mc3 is open-source software under the MIT license (see LICENSE).

__all__ = [

import numpy as np
from matplotlib.colors import (
from matplotlib.transforms import Affine2D, offset_copy

[docs]def alphatize(colors, alpha, background='w'): """ Get RGB representation of a color as if it had the specified alpha. Parameters ---------- colors: color or iterable of colors The color to alphatize. alpha: Float Alpha value to apply. background: color Background color. Returns ------- rgb: RGB or list of RGB color arrays The RGB representation of the alphatized color (or list of colors). Examples -------- >>> import mc3.plots as mp >>> # As string: >>> color = 'red' >>> alpha = 0.5 >>> mp.alphatize(color, alpha) array([1. , 0.5, 0.5]) >>> # As RGB tuple: >>> color = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0) >>> mp.alphatize(color, alpha) array([1. , 0.5, 0.5]) >>> # Specify 'background': >>> color1 = 'red' >>> color2 = 'blue' >>> mp.alphatize(color1, alpha, color2) array([0.5, 0. , 0.5]) >>> # Input a list of colors: >>> mp.alphatize(['r', 'b'], alpha=0.8) [array([1. , 0.2, 0.2]), array([0.2, 0.2, 1. ])] """ flatten = False if is_color_like(colors): colors = [colors] flatten = True colors = [np.array(to_rgb(color)) for color in colors] background = np.array(to_rgb(background)) # rgb = [(1.0-alpha) * background + alpha*c for c in colors] if flatten: return rgb[0] return rgb
[docs]def rainbow_text(ax, texts, fontsize, colors=None, loc='above'): """ Plot lines of text on top of each other (above an axis), each line with a specified color. Parameters ---------- texts: 1D iterable of strings Text to plot. colors: 1D interable of colors Color for each text. ax: A matplotlib axis instance Axis where to plot the text. fontsize: Float Text font size. loc: String Location of the first text. Select: 'above' or 'inside'. Returns ------- printed_texts: 1D list of strings The text objects. """ if colors is None: colors = ['black' for _ in texts] fig = ax.get_figure() t = ax.transAxes x = 0.02 if loc == 'above': y = 1.02 verticalalignment = 'bottom' bbox = None elif loc == 'inside': y = 0.97 verticalalignment = 'top' bbox = {'facecolor':'white', 'alpha':0.5, 'pad':0.0, 'edgecolor':'none'} printed_texts = [] for string, col in zip(texts, colors): text = ax.text( x, y, string, color=col, transform=t, ha='left', va=verticalalignment, size=fontsize, bbox=bbox, ) printed_texts.append(text) text.draw(fig.canvas.get_renderer()) ex = text.get_window_extent() # Convert window extent from pixels to inches # to avoid issues displaying at different dpi ex = fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted().transform_bbox(ex) t = text.get_transform() + offset_copy(Affine2D(), fig=fig, y=ex.height) return printed_texts
[docs]class Theme(): """A monochromatic color theme from given color""" def __init__(self, color, alpha_light=0.15, alpha_dark=0.5): """ Parameters ---------- color: color or iterable of colors The color to alphatize. alpha_light: Float Alpha color value to merge with white to make self.light_color. alpha_dark: Float Alpha color value to merge with black. Examples -------- >>> import mc3.plots.colors as colors >>> theme = colors.Theme('xkcd:blue') >>> theme = colors.Theme([0.0, 0.2, 0.8]) """ whites = [ alphatize(color, alpha, 'white') for alpha in np.linspace(alpha_light, 1.0, 162) ] darks = [ alphatize(color, alpha, 'black') for alpha in np.linspace(1.0, alpha_dark, 95) ] colormap = ListedColormap(whites + darks[1:]) colormap.set_under(color='white') colormap.set_bad(color='white') self.light_color = alphatize(color, 0.75, 'white') self.color = color self.dark_color = alphatize(color, alpha_dark, 'black') self.colormap = colormap def __repr__(self): return f"Theme({repr(self.color)})" def __eq__(self, other): return ( same_color(self.color, other.color) and same_color(self.light_color, other.light_color) and same_color(self.dark_color, other.dark_color) and self.colormap == other.colormap )
# Setup for THEMES: yellow = alphatize('gold', 0.7, 'orange') yellow_theme = Theme(yellow, alpha_light=0.2, alpha_dark=0.6) yellow_theme.color = 'orange' yellow_theme.light_color = 'gold' yellow_theme.dark_color = 'darkgoldenrod' THEMES = { 'red': Theme('xkcd:tomato'), 'orange': Theme('darkorange'), 'yellow': yellow_theme, 'green': Theme('xkcd:green'), 'lightblue': Theme('dodgerblue'), 'blue': Theme('xkcd:blue'), 'purple': Theme('xkcd:violet'), 'indigo': Theme('xkcd:indigo'), 'black': Theme('0.3'), }