Source code for mc3.plots.posterior

# Copyright (c) 2015-2023 Patricio Cubillos and contributors.
# mc3 is open-source software under the MIT license (see LICENSE).

__all__ = [

import copy

import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import _pylab_helpers
from matplotlib.colors import is_color_like, to_rgba
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
import scipy.interpolate as si

from .. import stats as ms
from .. import utils as u
from . import colors

def is_open(fig):
    """Check if a figure has been closed."""
    current_figs = [
        for manager in _pylab_helpers.Gcf.figs.values()
    return fig in current_figs

[docs]def subplot(rect, margin, pos, nx, ny=None, ymargin=None, dry=False): """ Create an axis instance for one panel (with index pos) of a grid of npanels, where the grid located inside rect (xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop). Parameters ---------- rect: 1D List/ndarray Rectangle with xlo, ylo, xhi, yhi positions of the grid boundaries. margin: Float Width of margin between panels. pos: Integer Index of panel to create (as in plt.subplots). nx: Integer Number of panels along the x axis. ny: Integer Number of panels along the y axis. If None, assume ny=nx. ymargin: Float Width of margin between panels along y axes (if None, adopt margin). Returns ------- axes: Matplotlib.axes.Axes An Axes instance at the specified position. """ if ny is None: ny = nx if ymargin is None: ymargin = margin # Size of a panel: Dx = rect[2] - rect[0] Dy = rect[3] - rect[1] dx = Dx/nx - (nx-1.0)* margin/nx dy = Dy/ny - (ny-1.0)*ymargin/ny # Position of panel pos: # Follow plt's scheme, where panel 1 is at the top left panel, # panel 2 is to the right of panel 1, and so on: xloc = (pos-1) % nx yloc = (ny-1) - ((pos-1) // nx) # Bottom-left corner of panel: xpanel = rect[0] + xloc*(dx+ margin) ypanel = rect[1] + yloc*(dy+ymargin) if dry: return [xpanel, ypanel, dx, dy] return plt.axes([xpanel, ypanel, dx, dy])
[docs]def hist_2D(posterior, ranges, nbins): """Construct 2D histograms.""" nsamples, npars = np.shape(posterior) # Column index matches par index, row index matches par index + 1 hist_xran = np.zeros((npars, nbins+1)) hist = np.zeros((npars-1, npars-1, nbins, nbins)) lmax = np.zeros((npars-1, npars-1)) for icol in range(npars-1): for irow in range(icol, npars-1): ran = None if ranges[icol] is not None: ran = [ranges[irow+1], ranges[icol]] h, y, x = np.histogram2d( posterior[:,irow+1], posterior[:,icol], bins=nbins, range=ran, density=False, ) hist[irow, icol] = h if icol == 0: hist_xran[irow+1] = y if irow == 0 and icol == 0: hist_xran[irow] = x lmax[irow, icol] = np.amax(h) + 1 return hist_xran, hist, lmax
[docs]def _histogram( posterior, estimates, ranges, axes, nbins, pdf, xpdf, hpd_min, low_bounds, high_bounds, linewidth, theme, orientation, alpha=0.6, top_pad=1.05, clear=True, ): """ Lowest-lever routine to plot marginal posterior distributions. """ nsamples, npars = np.shape(posterior) has_credible_interval = ( hpd_min is not None or low_bounds is not None ) hist_kw = { 'bins': nbins, 'linewidth': linewidth, 'orientation': orientation, 'facecolor': to_rgba(theme.light_color, alpha=alpha), 'edgecolor': theme.color, 'histtype': 'stepfilled', 'density': True, } if has_credible_interval: hist_kw['facecolor'] = 'none' for i in range(npars): ax = axes[i] if clear: ax.clear() if orientation == 'vertical': xax, yax = ax.xaxis, ax.yaxis fill_between = ax.fill_between axline = ax.axvline else: xax, yax = ax.yaxis, ax.xaxis fill_between = ax.fill_betweenx axline = ax.axhline vals, bins, h = ax.hist(posterior[:,i], range=ranges[i], **hist_kw) # Plot the credible intervals as shaded areas: if has_credible_interval: vals = np.r_[0, vals, 0] bins = np.r_[bins[0] - (bins[1]-bins[0]), bins] f = si.interp1d(bins+0.5*(bins[1]-bins[0]), vals, kind='nearest') xran = (xpdf[i]>ranges[i][0]) & (xpdf[i]<ranges[i][1]) if hpd_min is not None: x_shade = pdf[i][xran] >= hpd_min[i] elif low_bounds is not None: x_shade = ( (xpdf[i][xran] >= low_bounds[i]) & (xpdf[i][xran] <= high_bounds[i]) ) fill_between( xpdf[i][xran], 0.0, f(xpdf[i][xran]), where=x_shade, facecolor=theme.light_color, edgecolor='none', interpolate=False, alpha=alpha, ) if estimates[i] is not None: axline( estimates[i], dashes=(9,2), lw=linewidth, color=theme.dark_color, ) ytop = top_pad * np.amax(vals) if ytop > yax.get_view_interval()[1]: yax.set_view_interval(0, ytop, ignore=True) xax.set_view_interval(*ranges[i], ignore=True)
[docs]def _pairwise( hist, hist_xran, axes, ranges, estimates, palette, nlevels, absolute_dens, lmax, linewidth, theme, alpha=0.8, clear=True, ): """ Lowest-lever routine to plot pair-wise posterior distributions. (Everything happening inside the axes) """ npars = len(ranges) # Reset upper boundary to absolute maximum value if requested: if absolute_dens: lmax[:] = np.amax(lmax) for icol in range(npars-1): for irow in range(icol, npars-1): ax = axes[irow,icol] if clear: ax.clear() extent = ( hist_xran[icol,0], hist_xran[icol,-1], hist_xran[irow+1,0], hist_xran[irow+1,-1], ) levels = np.zeros(nlevels+1) levels[1:] = np.linspace(1.0, lmax[irow,icol], nlevels) colors = palette(levels/lmax[irow,icol], alpha=alpha) colors[0,3] = 0.0 colors[1,3] = 0.75*alpha cont = ax.contourf( hist[irow,icol], colors=colors, levels=levels, origin='lower', extent=extent, ) edge_color = to_rgba(theme.color, alpha=0.65) for c in cont.collections: c.set_edgecolor(edge_color) cont.collections[0].set_edgecolor((1,1,1,0)) if estimates[icol] is not None: ax.axvline( estimates[icol], dashes=(9,2), lw=linewidth, color=theme.dark_color, ) if estimates[irow+1] is not None: ax.axhline( estimates[irow+1], dashes=(9,2), lw=linewidth, color=theme.dark_color, ) if ranges[icol] is not None: ax.set_xlim(ranges[icol]) if ranges[irow] is not None: ax.set_ylim(ranges[irow+1])
def _plot_marginal(obj): """Re-draw everything except the data inside the axes.""" npars = obj.npars ax = obj.hist_axes[0] fig = ax.get_figure() for text in obj.stats_texts: text.set_visible(False) obj.stats_texts = [] for i in range(npars): ax = obj.hist_axes[i] if obj.orientation == 'vertical': xax, yax = ax.xaxis, ax.yaxis else: xax, yax = ax.yaxis, ax.xaxis ax.tick_params( labelsize=obj.fontsize-1, direction='in', left=False, top=True, ) xax.set_label_text(obj.pnames[i], fontsize=obj.fontsize) yax.set_ticklabels([]) if obj.show_texts: texts = [rf'{obj.source.tex_estimates[i]}'] obj.stats_texts += colors.rainbow_text( ax, texts, obj.fontsize-0.25, loc='inside', ) if not obj.auto_axes: continue ax_position = subplot( obj.rect, obj.margin, i+1, obj.nx, obj.ny, obj.ymargin, dry=True, ) ax.set_position(ax_position) if i == 0: pt_to_pix = fig.canvas.get_renderer().points_to_pixels(72.0) axes_size_pix = np.amin(ax.get_window_extent().size) axes_size_pt = axes_size_pix / pt_to_pix * 72.0 tick_size = np.amin([3.5, axes_size_pt/15.0]) ax.tick_params(length=tick_size) if i%obj.nx == 0: yax.set_label_text('Posterior', fontsize=obj.fontsize) def _plot_pairwise(obj): """Re-draw everything except the data inside the axes.""" npars = obj.npars # Estimate size of axes (to later set the length of the ticks) ax = obj.pair_axes[0,0] fig = ax.get_figure() nx = npars + int(obj.plot_marginal) - 1 for icol in range(npars-1): for irow in range(icol, npars-1): ax = obj.pair_axes[irow,icol] h = nx*irow + icol + 1 + npars*int(obj.plot_marginal) ax_position = subplot( obj.rect, obj.margin, h, nx, nx, obj.ymargin, dry=True, ) ax.set_position(ax_position) if icol==0 and irow==0: pt_to_pix = fig.canvas.get_renderer().points_to_pixels(72.0) axes_size_pix = np.amin(ax.get_window_extent().size) axes_size_pt = axes_size_pix / pt_to_pix * 72.0 tick_size = np.amin([3.5, axes_size_pt/15.0]) # Labels: ax.tick_params( labelsize=obj.fontsize-1, length=tick_size, direction='in', ) if icol == 0: ax.set_ylabel(obj.pnames[irow+1], size=obj.fontsize) else: ax.set_yticklabels([]) if irow == npars-2: ax.set_xlabel(obj.pnames[icol], size=obj.fontsize) plt.setp(ax.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=90) else: ax.set_xticklabels([]) # Re-draw the colorbar: colorbar = obj.colorbar dx = (obj.rect[2]-obj.rect[0])*0.03 dy = (obj.rect[3]-obj.rect[1])*0.45[obj.rect[2]-dx, obj.rect[3]-dy, dx, dy]) boundaries = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, obj.nlevels) norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(boundaries, obj.nlevels) cmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(obj.palette(boundaries, alpha=0.8)) mappable =, norm=norm) obj.colorbar = mpl.colorbar.Colorbar(, mappable=mappable, boundaries=boundaries, ticks=np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 6), ticklocation='left', ) colorbar.set_label('Posterior density', fontsize=obj.fontsize), direction='in') for col in col.set_edgecolor('face') # Histogram: for text in obj.stats_texts: text.set_visible(False) obj.stats_texts = [] nx = npars for i in range(npars): ax = obj.hist_axes[i] ax.set_visible(obj.plot_marginal) if not obj.plot_marginal: continue if obj.orientation == 'vertical': xax, yax = ax.xaxis, ax.yaxis plt.setp(ax.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=90) else: xax, yax = ax.yaxis, ax.xaxis h = (npars+1)*i + 1 ax_position = subplot( obj.rect, obj.margin, h, nx, nx, obj.ymargin, dry=True) ax.set_position(ax_position) ax.tick_params( labelsize=obj.fontsize-1, length=tick_size, direction='in', left=False, top=True, ) if i == npars-1: xax.set_label_text(obj.pnames[i], fontsize=obj.fontsize) else: xax.set_label_text('', fontsize=obj.fontsize) xax.set_ticklabels([]) yax.set_ticklabels([]) if not obj.show_texts: continue elif i < npars-1: stats_text = rf'{obj.pnames[i]} = {obj.source.tex_estimates[i]}' else: stats_text = rf'{obj.source.tex_estimates[i]}' texts = [stats_text] obj.stats_texts += colors.rainbow_text(ax, texts, obj.fontsize) class SoftUpdate: """ """ def __set_name__(self, obj, name): self.private_name = '_' + name def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None): value = getattr(obj, self.private_name) return value def __set__(self, obj, value): var_name = self.private_name[1:] setattr(obj, self.private_name, value) setattr(obj.source, var_name, value) # TBD: Inspect this clause if hasattr(obj, 'pair_axes'): if obj.pair_axes is not None: _plot_pairwise(obj) plt.draw() else: if obj.hist_axes is not None: _plot_marginal(obj) plt.draw() def raise_array_size_error(self, obj, value): raise ValueError( f"Invalid {self.private_name[1:]} input. Array size " f"({len(value)}) does not match number of parameters " f"({obj.npars})" ) class SizeUpdate(SoftUpdate): def __set__(self, obj, value): setattr(obj, self.private_name, tuple(value)) if obj.fig is not None: obj.fig.set_size_inches(*list(value)) class ThemeUpdate(SoftUpdate): def __set__(self, obj, value): var_name = self.private_name[1:] # TBD: add checks if isinstance(value, colors.Theme): pass elif isinstance(value, str) and value in colors.THEMES: value = colors.THEMES[value] elif is_color_like(value): value = colors.Theme(value) setattr(obj, self.private_name, value) setattr(obj.source, var_name, value) class BestpUpdate(SoftUpdate): def __set__(self, obj, value): var_name = self.private_name[1:] if not hasattr(obj, 'npars'): return if value is None: value = [None for _ in range(obj.npars)] if len(value) != obj.npars: self.raise_array_size_error(obj, value) setattr(obj, self.private_name, value) setattr(obj.source, var_name, value) class StatsUpdate(SoftUpdate): def __set__(self, obj, value): var_name = self.private_name[1:] setattr(obj, self.private_name, value) setattr(obj.source, var_name, value) class QuantileUpdate(SoftUpdate): def __set__(self, obj, value): var_name = self.private_name[1:] setattr(obj, self.private_name, value) setattr(obj.source, var_name, value) class RangeUpdate(SoftUpdate): def __set__(self, obj, value): var_name = self.private_name[1:] if not hasattr(obj, 'npars'): return pmins = np.nanmin(obj.posterior, axis=0) pmaxs = np.nanmax(obj.posterior, axis=0) # Defaults: min_max = [(pmin, pmax) for pmin,pmax in zip(pmins, pmaxs)] if value is None: value = min_max if len(value) != obj.npars: self.raise_array_size_error(obj, value) for i in range(obj.npars): if value[i] is None: value[i] = min_max[i] setattr(obj, self.private_name, value) setattr(obj.source, var_name, value)
[docs]class Marginal(object): """A mostly-interactive marginal posterior plotting object.""" # Soft-update properties: pnames = SoftUpdate() rect = SoftUpdate() margin = SoftUpdate() ymargin = SoftUpdate() fontsize = SoftUpdate() figsize = SizeUpdate() show_texts = SoftUpdate() show_estimates = SoftUpdate() # Properties that require re-drawing: bestp = BestpUpdate() ranges = RangeUpdate() theme = ThemeUpdate() quantile = QuantileUpdate() statistics = StatsUpdate() def __init__( self, source, posterior, pnames, bestp, ranges, theme, nx=None, ny=None, statistics='med_central', quantile=0.683, bins=25, fontsize=11, linewidth=1.5, axes=None, show_texts=True, show_estimates=True, ): self.source = source self.fig = None self.hist_axes = None self.posterior = posterior nsamples, self.npars = np.shape(posterior) self.pnames = pnames self.bestp = bestp self.ranges = ranges self.theme = theme if nx is None or ny is None: # Default layout: npars = self.npars if npars < 6: # Single row, N columns nx = npars elif npars < 13: # Two rows, up to 6 columns nx = (npars+1) // 2 elif npars < 25: # Six columns, up to 4 rows nx = 6 elif npars < 56: # 7 columns, up to 8 rows nx = 7 else: nx = 8 # Stick with 8 columns from now on ny = 1 + (npars-1) // nx self.nx = nx self.ny = ny # Default layout sizes: dx0 = 0.4 self.figsize = size = [ dx0 + 1.45*self.nx, 1.75*self.ny + 0.1 ] self.margin = 0.04 / self.nx self.ymargin = 0.275 / self.ny self.rect = [ dx0/size[0], self.ymargin, 1.0 - 0.2/size[0], 1.0 - 0.1/size[1], ] self.statistics = statistics self.quantile = quantile self.bins = bins self.fontsize = fontsize self.linewidth = linewidth self.orientation = 'vertical' self.show_texts = show_texts self.show_estimates = show_estimates self.stats_texts = [] def update(self): # TBD: Need to erase previous axes self.plot( fignum=self.fignum, )
[docs] def plot( self, fignum=None, axes=None, quantile=None, savefile=None, ): """Marginal histogram plot.""" # Create new figure unless explicitly point to existing axes: if axes is not None: self.hist_axes = axes self.fig = axes[0].get_figure() self.auto_axes = False else: self.fig = plt.figure(fignum) self.fig.set_size_inches(self.figsize) self.fig.clear() self.auto_axes = True # False when user inputs custom axes self.fignum = self.fig.number self.figsize = self.fig.get_size_inches() if axes is None: self.hist_axes = np.tile(None, self.npars) for i in range(self.npars): self.hist_axes[i] = subplot( self.rect, self.margin, i+1, self.nx, self.ny, self.ymargin, ) if '_like' in self.statistics: hpd_min = self.source.hpd_min else: hpd_min = None estimates = self.source.estimates if not self.show_estimates: estimates = [None for _ in estimates] _histogram( self.posterior, estimates, self.ranges, self.hist_axes, self.bins, self.source.pdf, self.source.xpdf, hpd_min, self.source.low_bounds, self.source.high_bounds, self.linewidth, self.theme, self.orientation, top_pad=1.25, ) _plot_marginal(self) if savefile is not None: self.fig.savefig(savefile, dpi=300)
[docs]class Figure(Marginal): """A mostly-interactive pair-wise posterior plotting object.""" # Soft-update properties: plot_marginal = SoftUpdate() show_colorbar = SoftUpdate() def __init__( self, source, posterior, pnames, bestp, ranges, theme, plot_marginal=True, figsize=None, rect=None, margin=None, ymargin=None, statistics='med_central', quantile=0.683, bins=25, nlevels=6, fontsize=None, linewidth=None, show_texts=True, show_estimates=True, show_colorbar=True, fignum=None, ): self.source = source self.fig = None self.pair_axes = None self.hist_axes = None self.posterior = posterior self.stats_texts = [] nsamples, self.npars = np.shape(posterior) if fontsize is None: # fs(5)=11.0, fs(20)=6.0 fontsize = np.clip((38.0 -self.npars)/3.0, 6.0, 11.0) if linewidth is None: # lw(5)=1.5, lw(10)=1.0, lw(20)=0.7 if self.npars <= 10: linewidth = 2.0 - 0.1*self.npars else: linewidth = 1.3 - 0.03*self.npars linewidth = np.clip(linewidth, 0.7, 1.5) if margin is None: # m(2)=0.01, m(10)=0.005, m(20)=0.003 if self.npars <= 10: margin = 0.01125 - 0.000625*self.npars else: margin = 0.007 - 0.0002*self.npars margin = np.clip(margin, 0.0025, 0.01) self.pnames = pnames self.bestp = bestp self.ranges = ranges self.theme = theme if rect is None: rect = [0.1, 0.1, 0.96, 0.96] self.rect = rect if figsize is None: figsize = (8,8) self.figsize = figsize self.fignum = fignum self.plot_marginal = plot_marginal self.margin = margin self.ymargin = ymargin self.statistics = statistics self.quantile = quantile self.bins = bins self.nlevels = nlevels self.fontsize = fontsize self.linewidth = linewidth self.orientation = 'vertical' self.show_texts = show_texts self.show_estimates = show_estimates self.show_colorbar = show_colorbar def update(self): self.plot( self.plot_marginal, figure=self.fig, )
[docs] def plot( self, plot_marginal=True, figure=None, savefile=None, ): """Pairwise plus histogram plot.""" # Can't plot if there are no pairs: if self.npars == 1: return # Create new figure unless explicitly point to an existing one: if figure is not None and plt.fignum_exists(figure.number): self.fig = figure else: self.fig = plt.figure(self.fignum) self.fig.clear() self.fig.set_size_inches(self.figsize) self.fignum = self.fig.number # Define the axes: npars = self.npars nx = npars + int(self.plot_marginal) - 1 pair_axes_do_not_exist = ( self.pair_axes is None or self.pair_axes[0,0] not in self.fig.axes ) if pair_axes_do_not_exist: self.pair_axes = np.tile(None, (npars-1, npars-1)) for icol in range(npars-1): for irow in range(icol, npars-1): h = nx*irow + icol + 1 + npars*int(self.plot_marginal) self.pair_axes[irow,icol] = subplot( self.rect, self.margin, h, nx, ymargin=self.ymargin, ) self.palette = copy.copy(self.theme.colormap) self.palette.set_under(color='w') self.palette.set_bad(color='w') absolute_dens = False self.hist_xran, self.hist, self.lmax = hist_2D( self.posterior, self.ranges, self.bins, ) estimates = self.source.estimates if not self.show_estimates: estimates = [None for _ in estimates] # The pair-wise data: _pairwise( self.hist, self.hist_xran, self.pair_axes, self.ranges, estimates, self.palette, self.nlevels, absolute_dens, self.lmax, self.linewidth, self.theme, ) # The colorbar: colorbar_does_not_exist = ( not hasattr(self, 'colorbar') or not in self.fig.axes ) if colorbar_does_not_exist: dx = (self.rect[2]-self.rect[0])*0.03 dy = (self.rect[3]-self.rect[1])*0.45 cb_ax = plt.axes([self.rect[2]-dx, self.rect[3]-dy, dx, dy]) mappable = self.colorbar = mpl.colorbar.Colorbar(cb_ax, mappable) # Marginal posterior: hist_axes_do_not_exist = ( self.hist_axes is None or self.hist_axes[0] not in self.fig.axes ) if hist_axes_do_not_exist: self.hist_axes = np.tile(None, npars) for i in range(npars): h = (npars+1)*i + 1 self.hist_axes[i] = subplot( self.rect, self.margin, h, npars, ymargin=self.ymargin, ) if plot_marginal: hpd_min = None if '_like' in self.statistics: hpd_min = self.source.hpd_min _histogram( self.posterior, estimates, self.ranges, self.hist_axes, self.bins, self.source.pdf, self.source.xpdf, hpd_min, self.source.low_bounds, self.source.high_bounds, self.linewidth, self.theme, self.orientation, ) _plot_pairwise(self) if savefile is not None: self.fig.savefig(savefile, dpi=300)
[docs] def overplot(self, posts, labels=None, nlevels=4, alpha=0.4): """ Overplot additional posteriors in the same figure. This method is still work in progress! Note that a call to self.update() or even soft updates will remove all/some of the overplot data. In such case the user would need to make a new call to self.overplot(). It is also recommended to set show_estimates=False to prevent over-crowding the figures. Parameters ---------- posts: 1D iterable of Posterior objects Currently there are no checks that these new posteriors have the same parameters (nor same statistics) as self. The user needs to make sure they are all compartible. labels: 1D iterable of strings Labels for each posterior. Note that if provided, the length of labels has to be one more than posts, because it also contains the label for self. """ all_posts = [self.source] + list(posts) for post in posts: post.hist_xran, post.hist, post.lmax = hist_2D( post.posterior, self.ranges, self.bins, ) absolute_dens = False estimates = post.estimates if not self.show_estimates: estimates = [None for _ in estimates] # Pair-wise plots: _pairwise( post.hist, post.hist_xran, self.pair_axes, self.ranges, estimates, post.theme.colormap, nlevels, absolute_dens, post.lmax, self.linewidth, post.theme, alpha=alpha, clear=False, ) # Posterior labels: ax = self.hist_axes[0] if self.plot_marginal else self.pair_axes[0,0] if labels is not None: ret_handles = [ Line2D([], [], color=post.theme.color, label=label) for post,label in zip(reversed(all_posts),reversed(labels)) ] if self.plot_marginal and self.show_texts: loc = (2.1, 1.0) else: loc = (1.1, 0.1) leg = ax.legend( handles=ret_handles, loc=loc, fontsize=self.fontsize, labelspacing=0.25, ) self.legend = leg # Histogram plots: if not self.plot_marginal: return for post in posts: estimates = post.estimates if not self.show_estimates: estimates = [None for _ in estimates] hpd_min = None if '_like' in self.statistics: hpd_min = self.source.hpd_min _histogram( post.posterior, estimates, self.ranges, self.hist_axes, self.bins, post.pdf, post.xpdf, hpd_min, post.low_bounds, post.high_bounds, self.linewidth, post.theme, post.orientation, alpha=0.5, clear=False, ) if not self.show_texts: return text_cols = [post.theme.color for post in all_posts] for text in self.stats_texts: text.set_visible(False) self.stats_texts = [] for j in range(self.npars): stats_texts = [ rf'{self.pnames[j]} = {post.tex_estimates[j]}' for post in all_posts ] if j == self.npars-1: stats_texts = [text[text.index('=')+2:] for text in stats_texts] self.stats_texts += colors.rainbow_text( self.hist_axes[j], stats_texts, self.fontsize, text_cols, )
class ShareUpdate: """ """ def __set_name__(self, obj, name): self.private_name = '_' + name def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None): value = getattr(obj, self.private_name) return value def __set__(self, obj, value): priv_name = self.private_name var_name = self.private_name[1:] if hasattr(obj, priv_name) and value is getattr(obj, priv_name): return setattr(obj, priv_name, value) for i in reversed(range(len(obj.figures))): fig = obj.figures[i] if not is_open(fig.fig): obj.figures.pop(i) else: setattr(fig, var_name, value) class ShareTheme(ShareUpdate): def __set__(self, obj, value): priv_name = self.private_name var_name = self.private_name[1:] if isinstance(value, colors.Theme): pass elif isinstance(value, str) and value in colors.THEMES: value = colors.THEMES[value] elif is_color_like(value): value = colors.Theme(value) if hasattr(obj, priv_name) and value == getattr(obj, priv_name): return setattr(obj, priv_name, value) for i in reversed(range(len(obj.figures))): fig = obj.figures[i] if not is_open(fig.fig): obj.figures.pop(i) else: setattr(fig, var_name, value) class StatisticsUpdate(ShareUpdate): def __set__(self, obj, value): var_name = self.private_name[1:] priv_name = self.private_name if hasattr(obj, priv_name) and value is getattr(obj, priv_name): return setattr(obj, priv_name, value) for i in reversed(range(len(obj.figures))): fig = obj.figures[i] if not is_open(fig.fig): obj.figures.pop(i) else: setattr(fig, var_name, value) has_all_attributes = ( hasattr(obj, 'bestp') and hasattr(obj, 'statistics') and hasattr(obj, 'quantile') ) if has_all_attributes: for i in range(obj.npars): _, _, obj.hpd_min[i] = ms.cred_region( obj.posterior[:,i], quantile=obj.quantile, ) estimates, low_bounds, high_bounds = ms.marginal_statistics( obj.posterior, obj.statistics, obj.quantile, pdf=obj.pdf, xpdf=obj.xpdf, ) if obj.statistics.startswith('global_'): obj.estimates = obj.bestp else: obj.estimates = estimates obj.low_bounds = low_bounds obj.high_bounds = high_bounds obj.tex_estimates = u.tex_parameters( obj.estimates, obj.low_bounds, obj.high_bounds, significant_digits=2, )
[docs]class Posterior(object): """ Classification of posterior plotting tools. statistics: String Statistics to use for parameter estimates and uncertainties: global_* use global best-fit (bestp) estimate. max_*: Marginal maximum-likelihood (mode) estimate. med_*: Marginal median estimate. *_like: HPD credible interval. *_central: Central quantile interval. Examples -------- >>> import mc3 >>> mcmc = np.load('MCMC_HD209458b_sing_0.29-2.0um_MM2017.npz') >>> posterior, zchain, zmask = mc3.utils.burn(mcmc) >>> pnames = mcmc['texnames'] >>> bestp = mcmc['bestp'] >>> p = mc3.plots.Posterior(posterior, pnames, bestp) >>> f1 = p.plot(savefile=f'pairwise_{6:02d}pars.png') >>> f2 = p.plot_histogram(savefile=f'histogram_{6:02d}pars.png') """ # Soft-update properties: pnames = ShareUpdate() ranges = ShareUpdate() theme = ShareTheme() bestp = StatisticsUpdate() statistics = StatisticsUpdate() quantile = StatisticsUpdate() show_texts = ShareUpdate() show_estimates = ShareUpdate() show_colorbar = ShareUpdate() def __init__( self, posterior, pnames=None, bestp=None, ranges=None, statistics='med_central', quantile=0.683, sample_size=20000, theme='blue', orientation='vertical', show_texts=True, show_estimates=True, show_colorbar=True, seed=314159, ): self.figures = [] nsamples, self.npars = np.shape(posterior) rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) if sample_size < nsamples: sample = rng.choice(nsamples, sample_size, replace=False) sampled_posterior = posterior[sample] else: sampled_posterior = np.copy(posterior) # TBD: enforce posterior as 2D self.posterior = sampled_posterior # Defaults: if pnames is None: pnames = [f'p{i:02d}' for i in range(self.npars)] self.pnames = pnames self.ranges = ranges self.theme = theme self.orientation = orientation self.show_texts = show_texts self.show_estimates = show_estimates self.show_colorbar = show_colorbar self.pdf = [None for _ in range(self.npars)] self.xpdf = [None for _ in range(self.npars)] self.hpd_min = [None for _ in range(self.npars)] for i in range(self.npars): pdf, xpdf, hpd = ms.cred_region( self.posterior[:,i], quantile=quantile, ) self.pdf[i] = pdf self.xpdf[i] = xpdf # These will trigger the param estimate calcs in StatisticsUpdate(): if bestp is None: self.bestp = [None for _ in range(self.npars)] else: self.bestp = bestp self.statistics = statistics self.quantile = quantile
[docs] def plot( self, plot_marginal=True, fignum=None, figure=None, quantile=None, linewidth=None, fontsize=None, figsize=None, rect=None, margin=None, ymargin=None, show_texts=None, show_estimates=None, show_colorbar=None, savefile=None, ): """ Plot marginal histograms and pairwise posteriors. """ # Defaults: if quantile is None: quantile = self.quantile if show_estimates is None: show_estimates = self.show_estimates if show_texts is None: show_texts = self.show_texts if show_colorbar is None: show_colorbar = self.show_colorbar fig = Figure( self, self.posterior, self.pnames, self.bestp, self.ranges, self.theme, rect=rect, margin=margin, ymargin=ymargin, statistics=self.statistics, quantile=quantile, plot_marginal=plot_marginal, linewidth=linewidth, fontsize=fontsize, figsize=figsize, fignum=fignum, show_texts=show_texts, show_estimates=show_estimates, show_colorbar=show_colorbar, # bins=25, nlevels=20, ) self.figures.append(fig) fig.plot(figure=figure, savefile=savefile) return fig
[docs] def plot_histogram( self, fignum=None, axes=None, quantile=None, nx=None, ny=None, savefile=None, show_texts=None, show_estimates=None, ): """ Plot histogram of marginal posteriors. """ if show_estimates is None: show_estimates = self.show_estimates if show_texts is None: show_texts = self.show_texts fig = Marginal( self, self.posterior, self.pnames, self.bestp, self.ranges, self.theme, statistics=self.statistics, nx=nx, ny=ny, show_texts=show_texts, show_estimates=show_estimates, ) self.figures.append(fig) fig.plot(savefile=savefile, fignum=fignum, axes=axes) return fig
[docs] def add(): """TBD: Do not call this method.""" pass
def update(self, **kwargs): for key, value in kwargs.items(): # If key in valid keys: print(f'{key} = {value}') # Else: throw warning replot = False # if hard-replotting, update parameter in kwargs.keys(): # 'bestp' in kwargs.keys(): # 'ranges' in kwargs.keys(): # 'linewidth' in kwargs.keys(): # 'theme' in kwargs.keys() # 'quantile' # 'bins' # 'nlevels' replot = True if len(kwargs) == 0: replot = True for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) #if replot: for fig in self.figures: fig.update() def plot_trace(): pass